Catalogul Colectiv al Județului Brăila

Napoleon I, împărat al francezilor

Subiect Tematic: Napoleon I, împărat al francezilor
Lucrări: 0 lucrari in 41 publicatii in 3 limbi
The Illustrated Napoleon de: Chandler, David G. (Text tipărit)
Napoleon and the Battle of the Waterloo de: Winwar, Frances (Text tipărit)
Recollections Of The Private Life Of Napoleon. Vol. I de: Constant, Premier Valet de Chambre (Text tipărit)
Napoleon : The Last Phase de: Rosebery, Lord (Text tipărit)
Waterloo : Napoleon's Last Campaign de: Hibbert, Christopher (Text tipărit)
Napoleon : From 18 Brumaire to Tilsit : 1799-1807 de: Lefebvre, Georges (Text tipărit)
The French Revolution And Napoleon de: Gershoy, Leo (Text tipărit)
The Horizon Book Of The Age Of Napoleon de: Herold, Christopher (Text tipărit)
Napoleon şi iubirea de: Masson, Frédéric (Text tipărit)
Napoleon Banished : The Journeys to Elba and to St. Helena de: Ussher, Thomas; Mills, Nelson (Text tipărit)
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