Catalogul Colectiv al Județului Brăila

  • Ultimele 100 de zile nefaste = The last 100-ill-fated days : The end of the Ceauşescu clique : Sfîrşitul clicii ceauşiste
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Roman, Carol
    Dedicatee: Ceauşescu, familia
    Translator: Roman, Denis
    Statement of Responsibility: Carol Roman
    Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: [Traducere în limba engleză : Denis Roman]
    Paralel Title: The last 100-ill-fated days : The end of the Ceauşescu clique
    Published: Casa de Editare "Glob"
    Place of Publication: [Bucureşti]
    Year of Publication: 1990
    Name of Manufacturer: I.P. "Arta grafică"
    Description: 100 p. : il.
    Notes: Text paralel în limbile română şi engleză.
    Language: English
    Paralel Title Link: The last 100-ill-fated days : The end of the Ceauşescu clique
    Subject: Istoria României
    Subject: Revoluţia Română (1989)
    Classification: 94(498)"1989.12"(084)
    Classification: 929.52(498) Ceauşescu, familia(084)
    Classification: 929 Ceauşescu, familia(084)
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