- STATISTICĂ pentru economişti : analiza datelor în Excel şi SPSS
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Popescu, Angela, econom. Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Bucea-Manea-Ţoniş, Rocsana Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Barbu, Mircea Ilie Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Bucea-Manea-Ţoniş, Radu Statement of Responsibility: Angela Popescu, Rocsana Bucea-Manea-Ţoniş, Mircea Ilie Barbu, Radu Bucea-Manea-Ţoniş Published: AGIR Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 2009 ISBN: 978-973-720-239-0 Description: 262 p.: tab.: fig.+ 1 CD Notes: Bibliografie p. 261-262 Notes: Volum însoţit de 1 DC Language: Romanian Subject: calculatoare. informatizare Subject: economişti brăileni Subject: program de calculator, software Subject: statistică Subject: statistică economică Classification: 311:330 Classification: 004.42 Excel:311 Classification: 004.42 SPSS:311
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