- SOVREMENNAJA sovetskaia proza : Antologhia
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Others: Christescu, Antoaneta Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Șoptereanu, Virgil Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Barbă, Gheorghe Statement of Responsibility: Alegerea textelor, portrete literare, cuvînt înainte, postfaţă şi note de subsol de Antoaneta Christescu, Virgil Şaptereanu, Gheorghe Barbă Published: Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 1978 Description: 199 p. : portr. Language: Russian Subject: literatură rusă Classification: 821.161.1-31+821.161.1-32(082) Classification: 821.161.1-82
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