Catalogul Colectiv al Județului Brăila

  • Popasuri în munţi
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Epuran, Gheorghe, turism
    Photographer: Vladu, Corneliu
    Photographer: Golgoţiu, Nicolae
    Photographer: Petcu, Ion (il.)
    Statement of Responsibility: text de Gh. Epuran
    Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: fotografii de C. Vladu, N. Golgoţiu, I. Petcu...
    Published: Meridiane
    Place of Publication: Bucureşti
    Year of Publication: 1966
    Description: 112 p.: il.
    Language: Romanian
    Classification: 913(498)(084)
    Classification: 796.5(084)
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