- MESAJUL patriotic al unor ordine de zi : Documente care elogiază vitejia şi eroismul armatei române în războiul antihitlerist
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Loghin, Leonida Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Ilie, Petre Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Duţu, Alexandru, ist., literat. Statement of Responsibility: Volum întocmit de colonel dr. Leonida Loghin, colonel Petre Ilie şi căpitan Alexandru Duţu Published: Editura Militară Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 1980 Name of Manufacturer: I.P. "13 Decembrie 1918" Description: XLV p.; 510 p. Language: Romanian Classification: 94(498)"1941/1945"(093.2) Classification: 94(498)"1944/1945"(093.2) Classification: 94(100)"1939/1945"(093.2)
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