Catalogul Colectiv al Județului Brăila

  • MEDICINĂ internă pentru rezidenţiat
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Buligescu, Lucian
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Zeana, Corneliu
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Cheţa, Dan Mircea
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Spanache, Sandu
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Guţiu, Ioan
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Copaci, Ionel
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Mogoş, Tiberiu
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Diţoiu, Alecse Valerian
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Motoi, Otilia
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Cojocaru, Laura
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Micu, Laurenţiu
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Caceaune, Nicu
    Statement of Responsibility: Prof.Dr.Doc. Lucian Buligescu, Conf.Dr. Corneliu Zeană, Prof.Dr. Dan Cheţa, Dr.Sandu Spanache, Dr. Ioan Guţiu, Dr. Ionel Copaci, Dr. Tiberius Mogoş, Dr. Alecs Valerian Diţoiu, Dr. Otilia Motoi, Dr. Laura Cojocaru, Dr. Laurenţiu Micu, Dr. Nicu Caceaune
    Published: Teora
    Place of Publication: Bucureşti
    Year of Publication: 2002
    ISBN: 973-20-0241-7
    Description: 978 p.
    Language: Romanian
    Subject: rezidenţiat
    Subject: medicină internă
    Classification: 616(075)
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