- MANAGEMENT şi tehnici bancare
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Vechiu, Camelia Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Gust, Marius Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Bogoi, Dan Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Menu, Marin Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Dinculescu, Elena Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Hoarcă, Dorin Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Vechiu, Camelia Statement of Responsibility: Dr. Camelia Vechiu (coordonator), dr. Marius Gust, dr. Dan Bogoi, dr. Marin Menu, drd. Elena Dinculescu, drd. Dorin Hoarcă Published: Independenţa Economică (Piteşti) Place of Publication: Piteşti Year of Publication: 2009 Name of Manufacturer: S.C. "Paper Print Invest" ISBN: 978-606-502-001-6 Description: 203 p.: tab. Notes: Bibliografie p. 200-202 Language: Romanian Subject: bănci româneşti Subject: management bancar Subject: bănci Classification: 336.71
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