- ANTONESCU şi Hitler : Corespondenţă şi întâlniri inedite (1940-1944)
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Editor: Ardeleanu, Ion Editor: Arimia, Vasile Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Constantiniu, Florin Editor: Lache, Ştefan Statement of Responsibility: Ediţie alcătuită de Vasile Arimia, Ion Ardeleanu, Ştefan Lache Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: Coordonator ştiinţific : Dr.Florin Constantiniu Published: Cozia Ed.-Co. Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 1991- Description: Vol. Language: Romanian Subject: istorie Subject: corespondenţă Classification: 94(498)"1940/1941"Antonescu, I.; Hitler, A. Classification: 94(4)"1940/1944"Antonescu, I.; Hitler, A. Classification: 929 Antonescu, I.; Hitler, A.
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