- Aspecte medico-legale în traumatismele craniocerebrale (TCC) și vertebromedulare (TVM)
Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
Author: Ianovici, Nicolae Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Ciurea, Alexandru Vlad Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Iordache, Alin Constantin Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Astărăstoae, Vasile Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Ioan, Beatrice Statement of Responsibility: Prof. dr. N. Ianovici, Prof. dr. A. V. Ciurea, Dr. A. C. Iordache, Prof. dr. Astărăstoae, Conf. Dr. Beatrice Ioan Language: Romanian Part of: TRATAT de neurochirurgie. Vol. 1. p. 245-254 Subject: Neurochirurgie
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