- Frica în Occident : (Secolele XIV-XVIII): O cetate asediată
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Delumeau, Jean Translator: Morariu, Modest Statement of Responsibility: Jean Delumeau Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: Traducere, postfaţă şi note de Modest Morariu Published: Meridiane Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 1986 Name of Manufacturer: I.P. "Sibiu" Description: Vol. Language: Romanian Contain: Frica în Occident : (Secolele XIV-XVIII) : O cetate asediată. Vol. 1 Contain: Frica în Occident : (Secolele XIV-XVIII) : O cetate asediată. Vol. 2 Classification: 159.942.52:94(4-15)"13/17" Classification: 316.37 Classification: 28(4-15)"13/17" Classification: 398.3(4-15)"13/17" Classification: 082.1 Biblioteca de artă
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