- PIRAŢII din Caraibe : La capătul lumii = Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Record Type: Projected and video material: monographic
Actor: Rush, Geoffrey Director: Verbinski, Gore Actor: Depp, Johnny Actor: Bloom, Orlando Actor: Knightley, Keira Actor: Iureş, Marcel Actor: Skarsgard, Stellan Statement of Responsibility: Regia: Gore Verbinski Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: cu: Jonny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, Geoffrey Rush, Stellan Skarsgård, Marcel Iureș Paralel Title: Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Published: Walt Disney Pictures Year of Publication: 2007 Name of Manufacturer: Pro Video Description: 2 DVD - 161 min. Notes: Două nominalizări la Oscar Language: English Contain: PIRAŢII din Caraibe : La capătul lumii. DVD 1 Contain: PIRAŢII din Caraibe : La capătul lumii. DVD 2 Subject: film artistic Subject: film - comedie Subject: film de aventuri Subject: film de acţiune Subject: nominalizări la premii Subject: premiul Oscar Classification: 791.43-311.3=135.1
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