Catalogul Colectiv al Județului Brăila

  • Flori de cîmp : Doine, strigături, bocete, balade
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Viciu, Alesiu
    Commentator: Todoran, R.
    Commentator: Taloş, Ion
    Statement of Responsibility: Alexiu Viciu
    Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: Colecţie de folclor inedită, publicată, cu studiu introductiv, note, indici şi glosar, de R. Todoran şi I.Taloş
    Published: Dacia
    Place of Publication: Cluj-Napoca
    Year of Publication: 1976
    Name of Manufacturer: I.P. "Cluj"
    Description: 336 p. : 1 f. portr.; [5] f. pl. ; h. anexă
    Language: Romanian
    Subject: folclor. folclorişti
    Classification: 398-1
    Classification: 398(498)
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