- FIŞIER legislativ pe probleme (Lexicon)
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Dobrescu, Ioan Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Nicolopol, Nicolae Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Petcu, Ion (drept) Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Scherer, Victor Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Maurer, Ion Gheorghe Statement of Responsibility: Ioan Dobrescu, Nicolae Nicolopol, Ion Petcu, Victor Scherer Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: [Prefaţă de acad. Ion Gheorghe Maurer] Published: Editura Ştiinţifică Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 1957 Description: Vol. Notes: Antetitlu : Procuratura generală. Language: Romanian Contain: FIŞIER legislativ pe probleme (Lexicon). Vol. 1 Contain: FIŞIER legislativ pe probleme (Lexicon). Vol. 2 Subject: drept civil Classification: 347.97/.99(083.83)
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