Catalogul Colectiv al Județului Brăila

  • GĂSEŞTE-MĂ = Reach Me : film artistic
  • Record Type: Projected and video material: monographic
    Director: Herzfeld, John
    Actor: Sizemore, Tom
    Actor: Jane, Thomas
    Actor: Cohan, Lauren
    Actor: Sedgwick, Kyra
    Actor: Connolly, Kevin
    Statement of Responsibility: Regia: John Herzfeld
    Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: În distribuţie: Tom Sizemore, Thomas Jane, Lauren Cohan, Kyra Sedgwick, Kevin Connolly
    Paralel Title: Reach Me
    Published: Empire Film
    Place of Publication: Bucureşti
    Year of Publication: 2014
    Description: 95 min.
    Language: English
    Subject: film - dramă
    Subject: film artistic
    Classification: 791.43-311.2=135.1
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