- CULISELE puterii = House of Cards : dramă politică
Record Type: Projected and video material: monographic
Author of dialogue: Davies, Andrew Author of dialogue: Willimon, Michael Author of dialogue: Dobbs, Michael Actor: Spacey, Kevin Actor: Wright, Robin Actor: Kelly, Michael Actor: Mara, Kate Statement of Responsibility: scenariu: Beau Willimon, Michael Dobbs, Andrew Davies Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: cu: Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright, Michael Kelly, Kate Mara Paralel Title: House of Cards Published: empire film [distribuitor] Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 2016 Description: Vol. Language: English Contain: CULISELE puterii. Vol. 1. Sezonul unu complet Contain: CULISELE puterii. Vol. 2. Sezonul al doilea complet Contain: CULISELE puterii. Vol. 3. Sezonul al treilea complet Contain: CULISELE puterii. Vol. 4. Sezonul al patrulea complet Paralel Title Link: House of Cards Subject: film - dramă Subject: film - thriller Subject: film politic Classification: 791.43-311.6=135.1
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