Catalogul Colectiv al Județului Brăila

  • Father Dumitru Stăniloae - A Worthy Disciple of the Classical Patristics (Bio-Bibliography)
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Anghelescu, Gheorghe
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Untea, Cristian
    Dedicatee: Stăniloae, Dumitru
    Translator: Bănică Enache, Mihaela Cerasela
    Translator: Chircalan, Ionuţ
    Translator: Bălănescu, Olivia
    Statement of Responsibility: Gheorghe F. Anghelescu, Cristian Untea
    Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: The translation was done by : Mihaela Cerasela Bănică Enache
    Collaborators : Olivia Bălănescu, Cristian Untea, Ionuş Chircalan
    Published: Editura Enciclopedică
    Place of Publication: Bucureşti
    Year of Publication: 2009
    ISBN: 978-973-45-0594-4
    Description: 215 p.
    Notes: Bibliography p. 54-208
    Language: English
    Subject: religii creştine
    Subject: preoţi, ierarhi
    Classification: 281.95 Stăniloae, Dumitru
    Classification: 929 Stăniloae, Dumitru
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