- Orbis Byzantinus : Byzanz und seine Nachbarn: Gesammelte Aufätze 1970-2011
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Schreiner, Peter Author of introduction, etc.: Spinei, Victor Editor: Spinei, Cristina Editor: Simon, Alexandru Statement of Responsibility: Peter Schreiner Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: Herausgegeben von Alexandru Simon und Cristina Spinei Published: Editura Academiei Române Istros a Muzeului Brăilei Place of Publication: Bucureşti Brăila Year of Publication: 2013 Name of Manufacturer: S.C. Paper Print Invest S.A. ISBN: 978-973-27-2151-3 ISSN: 978-973-1871-95-0 Description: 431 p.: h. Notes: Antetitlu: Romanian Academy. Institute of Archaeology of Iași Language: German Series: Florilegium magistrorum historiae archaeologiaeque Antiquitatis et Medii Aevi Subject: Istoria Bizanţului Subject: civilizaţie bizantină Subject: edituri brăilene Subject: tipografie brăileană Classification: 94(495.02) Classification: 082.1 Florilegium magistrorum historiae archaeologiaeque Antiquitatis et Medii Aevi
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