- Sistemul de management al siguranţei alimentului : Tratat
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Vorovenci, Olimpia Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Greabu, Alexandru Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Vorovenci, Emilia Mihaela Statement of Responsibility: Olimpia Vorovenci, Alexandru Greabu, Emilia Mihaela Vorovenci Published: Standardizarea Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 2008 ISBN: 978-973-88440-9-4 Description: Vol. Language: Romanian Series: Seria Sisteme de management Contain: Sistemul de management al siguranţei alimentului : tratat. Vol. 2. Partea specială Subject: industria alimentară Classification: 65.012.4:614.31:664
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