- D'ale carnavalului : teatru radiofonic
Record Type: Sound recordings, nonmusical performance: monographic
Author: Caragiale, Ion Luca Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Alexandrescu, Sică Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Atanasiu, Niky Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Vasiliu-Birlic, Grigore Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Beligan, Radu Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Anghelescu, Marcel Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Stănescu, Carmen, actor Statement of Responsibility: I.L. Caragiale Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: adaptarea radiofonică şi regia artistică Sică Alexandrescu, cu: Niky Atanasiu, Grigore Vasiliu-Birlic, Radu Beligan, Marcel Anghelescu, Carmen Stănescu... Published: Editura Casa Radio [distribuitor] Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 2004 Name of Manufacturer: Societatea Română de Radiofuziune ISBN: AAD 140 Notes: Producţie a Teatrului Naţional Radiofonic 1951 Notes: CD audio Language: Romanian Series: Capodoperele dramaturgiei româneşti în versiuni radiofonice integrale Series: Fonoteca de aur Subject: teatru (literatură) Classification: 082.1 Capodoperele dramaturgiei româneşti în versiuni radiofonice integrale Classification: 082.1 Fonoteca de aur Classification: 792.22(086.7) Classification: 821.135.1-22
- 1 records • Pages 1 •
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CD audio
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- 1 records • Pages 1 •
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