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Record Type: Projected and video material: monographic
Director: Marmeliuc, Martha G. Scientific advisor: Cândea, Ionel Scenarist: Movileanu, Alexandra Photographer: Cristescu, Mădălin Composer: Mărgineanu, Petru Photographer: Ghenoside, Andrei Producer: Orăşanu, Mihai Dedicatee: Brăila, judeţul Photographer: Protopopescu, Paul Statement of Responsibility: Un film de Martha G. Marmeliuc Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: scenariul : Alexandru Movileanu, consultant ştiinţific prof. univ. dr. Ionel Cândea, montajul Mădălin Cristescu, sunetul Anusavan Salamanian
muzica Petru Mărgineanu, imaginea Paul Protopopescu, Andrei Ghenoside, producător Mihai OrăşanuPublished: MDV Film [distribuitor] Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 2003 Name of Manufacturer: MDV Film Language: Romanian Subject: Brăila în filme documentare Classification: 913(498 Brăila)(086.8) Classification: 94(498-Brăila)(093.2)
- 1 records • Pages 1 •
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