- Sistemul Naţiunilor Unite
Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
Author: Dumitrescu, Sterian Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Gheorghiţă, Virgil, econ. Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Puiu, Ovidiu Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Marin, George (econom.) Statement of Responsibility: Sterian Dumitrescu Description: 256 p. Language: Romanian Part of: ECONOMIE mondială/ Coordonator: Prof.univ.dr.Sterian Dumitrescu,fost funcţionar internaţional la Comisia Economică a O.N.U. pentru Europa. Brăila, 1998 Subject: Organizaţia Naţiunilor Unite [O.N.U.] Subject: organizaţii internaţionale Classification: 341.1
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