- România în economia mondială [Capitol]
Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
Author: Chirilă, Mihai Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Creţoiu, Gheorghe Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Cristescu, Ioan Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Gheorghiţă, Virgil, econ. Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Lazăr, Costinel Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Negucioiu, Aurel Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Postelnicu, Gheorghe Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Tănăsie, Petre Description: 424 p. Language: Romanian Part of: ECONOMIE mondială/ Autori: prof.dr.Gheorghe Creţoiu, prof.dr.Ioan Cristescu, prof.dr.Virgil Gheorghiţă, prof.dr.Petre Tănăsie, prof.dr.Costinel Lazăr, prof.dr.Aurel Negucioiu, prof.dr.Gheorghe Postelnicu, conf.dr.Mihai Chirilă. Galaţi, 2000 Subject: Economia României Subject: economie mondială Classification: 338.1
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