Catalogul Colectiv al Județului Brăila

  • VALORIFICAREA energetică a deşeurilor : Procese şi instalaţii de ardere
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Antonescu, Nicolae
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Polizu, Radu
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Cândea-Muntean, Victor
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Popescu, Maria (dr. chim.)
    Statement of Responsibility: dr. ing. Nicolae Antonescu, dr. ing. Radu Polizu, dr. ing. Victor Cândea-Munteanu, dr. chim. Maria Popescu
    Published: Editura Tehnică
    Place of Publication: Bucureşti
    Year of Publication: 1988
    Name of Manufacturer: I.P. "Cluj"
    Description: 352 p. : fig.
    Notes: Bibliografie la sfîrşitul capitolelor
    Language: Romanian
    Series: Surse noi de energie
    Subject: energii neconvenţionale
    Classification: 658.567:620.9+662.61
    Classification: 620.282
    Classification: 082.1 Surse noi de energie
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