- România = Fantômes célèbres : Umbre încoronate - Vlad Ţepeş-Dracula
Record Type: Twodimensional graphics: monographic
Author: Andreescu, Florin, fotogr. Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Hentz, Ina Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Focşa, Daniel Translator: Caramzulescu, Doina Translator: Chesnais, Diane Statement of Responsibility: Fotografii : Florin Andreescu Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: Text : Ina Hentz, Daniel Focşa
Traducere limba engleză : Doina Caramzulescu
Traducere limba franceză : Diane ChesnaisParalel Title: Fantômes célèbres Published: Ad Libri Place of Publication: [Bucureşti] Year of Publication: [2004] ISBN: 973-86781-5-3 Description: 32 p. : il. Notes: Text în limbile română, engleză şi franceză. Language: Romanian Series: Călător prin ţara mea Paralel Title Link: Fantômes célèbres Subject: Istoria României Classification: 94(498.1)"14" Vlad III Ţepeş Classification: 929 Vlad Ţepeş Classification: 082.1 Călător prin ţara mea
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