- Evreii din Transilvania în epoca emancipării = The Jews of Transylvania in the Age of Emancipation : 1790-1867
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Gyémánt, Ladislau Translator: Fărcăşan, Simona Statement of Responsibility: Ladislau Gyémánt Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: traducerea în limba engleză : Simona Fărcăşan Paralel Title: The Jews of Transylvania in the Age of Emancipation : 1790-1867 Published: Editura Enciclopedică Donaţie[distribuitor] Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 2000 ISBN: 973-45-0306-5 Edition: Ediţie bilingvă Description: 495 p. Language: English Series: Bibliotheca Judaică Paralel Title Link: The Jews of Transylvania in the Age of Emancipation : 1790-1867 Subject: comunităţi etnice Subject: evrei Classification: 94(=411.16)(498.4)"1790/1867"=135.1=111 Classification: 082.1 Bibliotheca Judaică
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