Telemann, Georg Philipp
LDR | 00101nx a22000493 | |
001 | 91066 | |
200 | $a Telemann $b Georg Philipp | |
801 | 0 $a RO $b BJBR $c 20100618 |
0 works in 9 publications in 3 languages
10 records Page 1 of 1
- 1
Suita F Major For 2 French Harns, Strings and Harpsicord
Telemann, Georg Philipp
(Sound recordings, musical performance)
Composer [230]
Telemann : Monografie
Füredi, Ladislau; Vulpe, Damian
(Language materials, printed)
Dedicatee [280]
Suita în Sol minor pentru oboi şi bas continuu
Telemann, Georg Philipp
(Sound recordings, musical performance)
Composer [230]
CS 9
Chopin, Frédéric; Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus; Schubert, Franz; Vivaldi, Antonio; Bizet, Georges; Wagner, Richard; Tarrega, Francisco; Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix; Gounod, Charles; Delibes, Leo; Rimski-Korsakov, Nikolai Andreevici; Telemann, Georg Philipp; Bach, Johann Sebastian; Borodin, Alexandr Porfirievici
(Sound recordings, musical performance)
Composer [230]
Trisonata pentru flaut, oboi şi basso continuo în mi minor : sel. 4 : Opere alese trio instrumental
Telemann, Georg Philipp
Composer [230]
Lucia Popp. CD 4
Telemann, Georg Philipp; Smetana, Bedrich; Orff, Carl; Lortzing, A.; Popp, Lucia (soprană); Dvorak, Antonin; Händel, Georg Friedrich; Bach, Johann Sebastian
(Sound recordings, musical performance)
Author [070]
G. Ph. Telemann : muzică simphonică
Telemann, Georg Philipp
(Sound recordings, musical performance)
Composer [230]
Overtures : Uverturi
Telemann, Georg Philipp
(Sound recordings, musical performance)
Composer [230]
BAROQUE collection : Muzică simfonică
Albinoni, Tomaso; Telemann, Georg Philipp; Handel, Georg Friedrich; Bach, Johann Sebastian; Vivaldi, Antonio; Marcello, Benedetto
(Sound recordings, musical performance)
Composer [230]