Catalogul Colectiv al Județului Brăila

Roethke, Theodore

Nume Persoană: Roethke, Theodore
Țara sursă: RO: BJBR
Lucrări: 0 lucrari in 3 publicatii in 2 limbi
Vorbe pentru vînt : Poezii alese de: Roethke, Theodore (Text tipărit)
Selected Poems de: Roethke, Theodore (Text tipărit)
The PREMIER Book of Major Poets : An Anthology ^ de: Arnold, Matthew; Roethke, Theodore; Updike, John; Lawrence, David Herbert; Whitman, Walt; Thomas, Dylan Marlais; Keats, John; Masters, Edgar Lee; Hughes, Langston; Graves, Robert; Beckett, Samuel; Yeats, William Butler; Marvell, Andrew; Crane, Stephen; Milton, John; Barrett-Browning, Elizabeth; Swift, Jonathan; Hardy, Thomas; Poe, Edgar Allan; Plath, Sylvia; Kipling, Rudyard; Chaucer, Geoffrey; Shakespeare, William; Herbert, George; Carroll, Lewis; Burns, Robert; Tennyson, Alfred; Eliot, Thomas Stearns; Donne, John; Pope, Alexander; Coleridge, Samuel Taylor; Paz, Octavio; Byron, George Gordon, lord; Browning, Robert; Stevens, Wallace; Gilbert, W. S.; Williams, Carlos William; Pound, Ezra; Frost, Robert; Dickinson, Emily; Shelley, Percy Bysshe; Wordsworth, William; Meredith, George; Jonson, Ben; Blake, William; Auden, Wystan Hugh (Text tipărit)
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