Catalogul Colectiv al Județului Brăila

Gandolfini, James

Personal Name: Gandolfini, James
Agency: RO: BJBR
Works: 0 works in 6 publications in 2 languages
DRAGOSTEA ucide : film artistic by: (Projected and video material) Performer [590]
TOŢI oamenii regelui = All the king's men by: (Projected and video material) Performer [590]
The DROP = Bani murdari : thriller by: (Projected and video material) Actor [005]
DRAGOSTE şi fum by: (Projected and video material) Actor [005]
ULTIMUL castel = The Last Castle by: (Projected and video material) Actor [005]
S-a furat un tren 123 = The Taking of Pelham 123 by: (Projected and video material) Actor [005]
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