Catalogul Colectiv al Județului Brăila

Edgerton, Joel

Actor: Edgerton, Joel
Works: 1 works in 7 publications in 2 languages
Viaţa stranie a lui Timothy Green : film artistic by: (Projected and video material) Actor [005]
MARELE Gatsby = The Great Gatsby : film artistic by: (Projected and video material) Actor [005]
RĂZBOINICUL : film de acţiune by: (Projected and video material) Actor [005]
SEARA în care ne-am luat adio : comedie by: (Projected and video material) Actor [005]
AFACERI murdare = Black Mass : film polițist by: (Projected and video material) Actor [005]
Exodus: Zei şi regi = Exodus: Gods and Kings by: (Projected and video material) Actor [005]
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